HI Leslie,
My name is James Gallanos and am the lead suicide prevention coordinator for the state.
The reason for my e-mail is to express my gratitude for a seemingly small act of kindness and compassion that is turning eyes and ears all over the internet to the plight of suicides in rural Alaska. The recent Walk For Life on May 14th is another example and am feeling an upwelling of energy and support to not only reach out to survivors but also to put more effort into reducing suicide. Your example is one that did not require a grant, did not require money (only the cost of paper and access to the internet), only people inclined to reach out in support of one another.
About a month ago I contacted Saunders McNeil as she is with the Alaska State Council on the Arts about possibly holding a presentation about the use of the arts as an influence on our health and wellness including suicide prevention. Saunders approached our Department here a few years ago in the prevention section to partner with us on this effort. Since that time we had directed people to the website to seek out mini-grants but we have yet to really put a bookmark on this connection between arts as a protective factor against the problems such as suicide, and substance abuse You just showed a small slice of that connection that is having a big impact.
We are coming up on our annual School Health and Wellness Institute on October 24-26th and are looking for “Success Stories” of projects, activities that influence health and wellness. I am attaching the form in this e-mail if interested. I would love to incorporate this story as part of a School Postvention (after a suicide) Training that I am facilitating during the conference. I know the story is still growing and evolving but so far its incredible. I am also sharing a postvention resource guide that we just developed and some other survivor of suicide loss resources. Please let me know if this is something you would be interested in so I can let our planning committee know. Thanks. ~ James.
James Gallanos, MSW
Program Coordinator
Department of Health and Social Services
Behavioral Health / Prevention & Early Intervention Services
Office 465-8536
Fax 465-2668
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